Weatherbys Ireland GSB is a recognised breed society by the Department of Agriculture Food & the Marine and approved to maintain a breeding programme for Thoroughbreds in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/1012.
This work is vitally important to preserve the traceability and integrity of the Thoroughbred as a breed. We are the single Stud Book holder in Great Britain and Ireland, meaning we are the only authority trusted to maintain and regulate the breeding records of the Thoroughbred.
We register every Thoroughbred in Ireland and issue each horse with its own unique passport. This passport is a legal requirement for horses in Ireland, and Weatherbys is the authorised Passport Issuing Organisation for the country.
When you notify us of the birth of a foal, the process begins. A vet will be required to visit, take markings for use in the passport, implant a microchip and also take blood for parentage verification. When the horse has been registered with us, we will issue a passport which can be used for identification and transporting a horse throughout its life.
In addition to foals, we also register broodmares, ensuring full traceability of the Thoroughbred broodmare population. We log coverings and require broodmares to be named and imported before registering the mare and progeny to be entered into the General Stud Book. We are also responsible for maintaining change of ownerships, logging and confirming broodmares are registered in the correct ownerships to ensure transparent ownership.
The same process and registration rules apply to stallions – which can be registered annually before the covering season begins. The team also cover change of ownership registrations for horses, which is a legal requirement to be completed within 30 days of purchase.
30 day foal notification is available to be completed digitally via the ePassport and should be completed within 30 days of birth. The foal registration deadline is 31st July each year – this includes online application via the General Stud Book Online, DNA & markings, fee and covering certificate.
For information on change of ownership and duplicate passport applications, please click here.
We're here to help. Our team is here to listen and help you answer any questions you may have.
We register every Thoroughbred in Great Britain and issue each horse with its own unique passport.
Producing the most accurate information about Thoroughbreds, our bloodstock team support owners and breeders with a range of services designed to promote their horses.
Our range of industry-leading bloodstock publications provide everything an owner or breeder needs to make successful breeding choices.