Legal Responsibilities
It is a legal requirement for all equines to have a passport, plus a functioning microchip, which must be recorded in the passport by the Passport Issuing Organisation (PIO).

A foal must be microchipped by a vet before a passport can be applied for.
The owner must apply for a passport from an authorised PIO before the foal is 6 months old or by the 30th of November - whichever is the later.
Once the passport is issued, it is your responsibility to keep it safe.
A Trading Standards, Animal Health Officer or DAFM Officer may request it to be produced for inspection. The passport should accompany the animal when it moves to shows, sales, competitions, when it is sold or goes to slaughter.
Note down the passport number and issuing PIO. This means if the passport is ever damaged or lost it makes it easier for us to issue a replacement – each horse only has one passport for life. You cannot apply for a duplicate passport for an equine unless the original is lost.
When a vet medicates or injects an equine it must be recorded in the Administration of Veterinary Medicinal Products section of the passport if the equine has not been signed out the human food chain. Furthermore, in this section, an equine can be signed out of the food chain by an owner or keeper and veterinarian.
When an equine is purchased, always obtain the passport. You must register your ownership with us within 30 days of acquisition.
When an equine is sold the passport must be passed on to the new owner – you cannot keep it.
If an equine dies, then the passport must be returned to us within 30 days to have it invalidated.
Identification of Horses Booklet