Services for trainers

Weatherbys offers services to support trainers during their busy day-to-day work, helping to keep them informed and up to date with the latest updates, publications to help them plan and being on hand to assist with administration work.
Foreign trainers can make entries via the Weatherbys Racing Operations Call Centre. For most races, entries under Rules close five or six days in advance of the race. Entries for major races may close several weeks in advance.
We provide a messaging service which sends alerts for key events in the training lifecycle.
The service provides automated text messages for important administration milestones, such as confirming a horse entry or declaration, notifying a trainer of a going change and other key events such as inspections and race time changes.
The team also work to ensure sponsorship records are effectively administered, supporting trainers with registering their sponsorships and maintaining their license agreements in accordance with BHA rules.
We administer the Stable Employees Register on behalf of the BHA. This scheme involves producing Racecourse Attendant Passes for stable employees to ensure they can accompany their horse to the racecourse on raceday. We maintain this register and keep it constantly updated as part of our administrative work.
The Racing Finance Team administers the Racing Industry Accident Benefit Scheme (RIABS) on behalf of the National Trainers Federation for those eligible employees of licensed and permit trainers.
The scheme provides weekly benefits to eligible people working within the racing industry who are unfortunate enough to be absent from work following an accidental injury occurring at work. A quarterly schedule is sent to trainers listing their eligible employees, and employer contributions are deducted from the trainers’ accounts accordingly.